Monday, January 25, 2021

GOD simplified


JESUS said:

Matthew 18:3 

King James Version

3 And said

Verily I say unto you, 

Except ye be converted, 

and become as little children, 

ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Is it really possible to simplify knowledge about GOD?

Oh yes, if you have the heart of a kid.

Kids have an edge.

We're simpler in thinking.

Maybe even purer in thought.

We understand the Bible more.

We don't have "emotional" baggage.

Our thinking's fresh.

Never jaded.

We just take GOD's WORD for it.

One word from the LORD, and we can get it.

When the LORD speaks, ah, we're all eyes, and ears.

We're transfixed by GOD's stories.

But what does marketing have to do with God?

Maybe, it's better to ask, what does God have to do with marketing?

The day He changed my heart, He changed my thinking, too.

That means, my work as writer, marketer, and designer was transformed.

Now, it's ALL GOD.

All my brain cells breathe of God.

My heart cells speak of God.

JESUS knows I like the simple way.

So this morning, He gave me a dream.

From that dream, He led me to an image.

From that image, an idea clicked.

Now, we can PRINT pages from that website.

We can COLOR pages on God.

We can also DOWNLOAD pdf files, for easy reading.

A FUN, and EASY way of knowing more about GOD!

Surely, this is God's "form" of marketing.

To simplify Bible study for everyone.

Who sez studying the Bible is boring?


Cool adults, with kid hearts, created that website.

Childlike adults will appreciate the site.

For it has TONS of treasures!

Now, everyone can get to know GOD the easy way.

But I won't keep you longer.

Go to ministry-to-children now!

You will HAVE fun!

Updated 13 May 2023